DyNamo Gymnastics Club hosted novice club competition in Acrobatic Gymnastics (Level Prep A) and for the first time a Trampoline event in May 2010. The club coaches were delighted to run a trampoline competition since the club recently introduced this new discipline to the gymnasts over the last year. All gymnasts performed extremely well in both events, and the results were as follows:
Acrobatic Gymnastics Results
1st Place Elaine Maguire and Saidbh Mc Carthy
2nd Place Rachel Henneberry and Alex O’Connor
3rd Place Lauren Donaghy and Ciara Kavanagh
Boys Trampoline Results
1st Place Jack Mc Grath
2nd Place Cian Quinn
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3rd Place Oisin O Slatarra
Girls Trampoline Results
1st Place Ciara Frahill
2nd Place Hannah Kelly
3rd Place Maria Henehan