We had an amazing weekend at the national gymnastics finals returning with 3 pairs taking national gold medals and a trio taking national silver medals along with claiming regional gold medals in grade 3,4 & 5 in pairs, trios and mixed pairs, regional silver medals in grade 3,4 & 5 in pairs & trios, and regional bronze medals in grade 3 trios. Our grade 5 mixed pair David and Aoibhinn also won the highest artistry score trophy for the overall … Continue reading
Our summer training starts every Tuesday and Saturday from 30th June – 28th July. We advise all competitors to attend so they maintain their conditioning and improve skills. Tuesday 6:00-8:00pm Janice / Orla with the exception of Tuesday 7th and 14th where class will run from 5-7pm Saturday 5:30-7:00pm Diane Looking forward to seeing you all there.
We are hosting a registration evening for club members only on Friday 19th June from 7:00 -8:30pm. The club registration fee is 30euro and will be collected on the evening to confirm places for September. If registration fees are not paid we will assume you are not confirming a place and will then offer that place to our waiting list. Tracksuit orders will also be taken for all competitors for season 2015-2016.
All classes will finish for summer break on Friday 19th June. We will soon announce to club members a deadline date to register your place for September. Best of luck to the Saturday classes who have worked hard all term to achieve their floor awards this week.
Congratulations to Cindy McCarthy, Karen Friel, Sandra Kearins, Kate Frahill and Sarah White who all completed their practical acro exams successfully on Sunday 14th June. They have all worked so hard over the last four months preparing for their exam . Thank you to our gymnasts Rhianna, Siofra, Katie, Lauren and Kate for attending and supporting our coaching team. Berichten Sie uns gerne davon in der Kommentarfunktion, wir beraten Sie gerne zu unserem umfangreichen Sortiment oder der Kaufabwicklung hat die … Continue reading
Congratulations to all for this great achievement and to David & Aoibhinn for getting the highest artistry score overall.
There will be no classes running on Friday 8th, Saturday 9th and Monday 11th as coaches are attending the National Finals in Limerick. Very best of luck to all our gymnasts competing this weekend.
We welcomed Sligo Credit Union at the gym this morning to thank them for their ongoing support and approval of a loan in 2014 to invest in specialised equipment.