Category Archives: Club News

Members Notice

We have been working behind the scenes on our risk assessment and return to sport protocols, and sadly there are too many procedures to manage as a small group of volunteers at this stage. We hope to learn a lot from Schools and Gyms returning in September, and we will make a decision soon after on our return date that is safe for us all. Our volunteers already donate their time and energy to maintain the gym and deliver a … Continue reading

Club Competition & National Qualifiers on March 28th

We are very excited and all working so hard in preparation for our Club Competition event and Club team selection for National Finals. There is huge competition across all grades in the club, so we wish all our gymnasts the very best of luck with their training, and encourage you all to attend all your sessions over the coming weeks, so ye are ready to impress. We look forward to welcoming parents/guardians and friends to see them all in action. … Continue reading

Join us on the GI Club TakeOver this Saturday

We are delighted to have one of our own Club Coaches, Meadhbh McHugh deliver a recreational class on Gymnastic Ireland’s Club takeover initiative, this Saturday at 10.30am. We would love for you all to join in, just follow Gymnastic Ireland’s facebook page, and tune in on Saturday at 10.30am.

Members Update

Hope all our members are safe and well. We are missing you all so much and hope ye are keeping up your gymnastics training at home. Sadly our classes will remain closed for some time, and Gymnastics Ireland National Series events are cancelled. We are delighted that Gymnastics Ireland will soon start sharing home workouts for our members, so make sure to follow them on fb. Stay safe and stay Active.

DyNamo is now closed with all classes and events cancelled

Following the recent announcement about school closures etc, we feel we must follow the protocols being put in place and we are closing Dy Namo gym club until the 29th of March. We will monitor the situation closely and will revert if things change.  Most important thing for the moment is to reduce the risks for everyone.  Any queries please feel free to to email Thanks from the coaching team.

Nutrition Workshop

Great to see gymnasts, parents and coaches at our Nutrition Workshop with Aoife Clancy, who chatted about getting in some nutrient-rich snacks that can be eaten in the car between school and training and some meal / snack ideas to bring on competition days. We look forward to putting her informative tips into practice!  

Nutrition Clinic for our Gymnasts (12-18yrs) on 23rd Feb

Club Training Leotards available to order from ‘The Zone’

Our club training Leotard is available to order from The Zone: Glam Sleeveless Shiny Nylon Lycra Leotard Code: Z2139GLA- Please note our Club Colour is ‘Kingfisher’ Please see link below:

Online Registration is now FULL

We look forward to meeting our new Gymnasts tomorrow.

New Members On-Line Registration Friday 24th Jan

GREAT NEWS……..We are delighted to announce we have a limited number of places in our Recreational Class from 12noon-1pm every Saturday. Due to demand for places, we will host an on-line registration on Friday morning at 9.30am via our website on the home page. Please note they are given on a first come first serve basis. Once places are filled- we are then once again full until September 2020 at least. New Members must be aged 6-9years. Our confirmed new … Continue reading